Hi, you can call me Goo!I'm a Chinese-Filipino freelance illustrator based in the US. I also draw comics on the side as well.
My artwork and comic themes focus on interpersonal relationships, and coming-of-age moments in life (With a touch of fantasy!).
Education: BA in Drawing/Painting & Psychology at the University of North FloridaOther interests included in my works are Animals, Nature, Psychology, Fashion, Fantasy, and Video Games.
Contact: 6ooeyarts@gmail.com
2014- Present Freelance Work
2016- Present @XXIII (Webcomic | Story/Art)
2016- Present Da Coop (Webcomic | Story/Art)
2016 Daydream Charity Artbook (Illustration)
2016 An Adventurer's Memoir: Mabinogi FanZine (Co-Organizer/Illustration/Merch)
2017 Revel Artbook (Illustration)
2018 Der Doppelgänger Fanzine (Illustration)
2018 Glamour Eorzea Fanzine (Illustration/Merch)
2019 Food Eorzea Fanzine (Illustration)
2020 Salty Waters (Webcomic| Story/Art)